
+353 86 382 3205clare@claresheehan.ie

What happens in a homeopathy consultation with me?

Because of the profound transformation I experienced in my first homeopathic consultation, my passion has always remained with the transformational power of the homeopathy consultation.

The consultation is an amazing opportunity for you to experience the gift of hearing and seeing yourself beyond your story while I listen with multidimensional ears that create the potential for you to recreate your view and experience of the world.

Once I have an understanding of you, your unique vibration the work is to find a substance/remedy in our materia medica which matches this unique vibration so the deeper work can begin to anchor the healing in the cells and trigger the original template of health.

For more on homeopathy see resources page for links.

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Homeopathy is one of the most powerful transformation tools I am aware of.

There is so much to know and therefore to share about homeopathy, what it is, etc. yet first, I would love to share my own introduction to the power of homeopathy.

The night before my 21st birthday I went to bed looking forward to a big party with friends and family. I woke with a strange headache, completely exhausted and a complete aversion to being in company. I had no idea what happened. For the next 3 years I moved from one minor ailment to another, regular exhaustion periods until I eventually started having recurring infections requiring antibiotics and a spinal injury. After surgery for my spine followed by 27 rounds of antibiotics and several courses of antihistamines my GP said enough and suggested I try homeopathy. That was 31 years ago and to date I have not had a single dose of antibiotics or any prescribed medication.

A year later I signed up to study this strange modality and decided now this is what my life is about, giving others the same gift I received from Homeopathy treatment. So ended my career as an Engineer and a new one opened to practice this gentle, vitalistic, vibrational energy tool which uses specific natural remedies to trigger the memory of the organism to return to its original ‘template’ of vitality.

The remedy I discovered later in my studies that I received was Granite. According to a colleague, a geologist at University College, Galway Connemara granite has one of the highest levels of radioactivity of the granites found in Britain and Ireland.

The night I mention above was May 4th 1986 and according to an Irish times publication regarding the explosion of a Soviet nuclear reactor at Chernobyl the radioactive material had drifted across Europe to come down in rain showers here in Ireland with the highest radioiodine level detected on May 5th in Kilkenny.

This brings me to the basic principles which govern homeopathy.

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy is based on the principle “similia similibus curantur” which means “like-cures-like” i.e. a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used in diluted form to treat the same symptoms - (onions for hayfever, arsenic for food poisoning, coffea for sleeplessness).

Homeopathy uses highly diluted forms of substances, animal, mineral, vegetable, imponderable specially prepared in homeopathic pharmacies to dynamise and infuse the vibration of the different substances.

These substances are not only diluted but also shaken/succussed in the process of preparation of a homeopathic remedy which the founder of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann believed released a spirit like energy/power that worked on the energetic level/spirit/Vital force/chi/prana.

The more diluted the substance/matter, the more potent the energy becomes and the strength of the remedy increases.

How does homeopathy work on the Energy body?

There are many theories about how homeopathy works on the energy bodies. One could simply accept it as a mystical phenomena or the theory that speaks to me is that the process of dilution/succussion process creates conditions that confine molecules and electromagnetic fields (emf)s at the time of their creation to create coherence domains (CDs) and these domains code the original substance information (DNA fragments) which can be transferred to the multi-level coherent structures of a living organism.

And so a homeopathic remedy, carrying the specific information about the EMF of the original substance could act as a therapeutic agent to affect biochemical processes in a patient.

Book A Consultation

Consultations are possible in-person or online via Zoom. The first session can last 60 to 90 minutes and subsequent visit is usually approximately 3 to 6 weeks after initial consultation and can be up to 1 hour.

Call - Text - WhatsApp - Telegram -  +353 86 382 3205
Please get in touch with any queries or to arrange an alternate payment method.


Clare Sheehan offers an amazing homeopathy experience. Through her intuitive questioning
and her profound listening skills she will uncover the true cause of whatever is ailing you.
Because of the multiple displacements in my young life, I had developed a feeling of underlying
grief that I was not even aware of. Clare helped me to get in touch with that deep-seated
sadness that I had kept buried inside of myself for all those years. What a relief it is to now be
able to experience boundless joy without anything weighing me down. I am forever grateful and will continue regular homeopathy consultations with Clare

K. Reetz

Clare is a highly skilled practitioner who offers a very personable approach.  She brings with  her a high level of experience  and knowledge  and is an  immensely skilled homeopath. All of the remedies she has suggested have been 'spot  on' and in each situation  have helped more than I could ever have imagined. I highly recommend Clare and found her hugely supportive and helpful.

B Ruane

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